Weird Liquor Laws From Across the U.S.

state legislationLegislative history is the foundation for new state laws to be made. While all laws are in place for a reason, there are a few laws that seem strange. Because laws can vary so much from state to state, we’re going to look at a few weird liquor laws that can be found in states throughout the country.

First up, we have drive-through liquor stores in Arizona. This seems a little strange, seeing as how drinking and driving itself is against the law. Of course, these establishments don’t encourage drinking the liquor as soon as drivers pull away from the window, but that doesn’t make them any less unusual.

Speaking of drinking and driving, in Colorado it’s illegal to ride a horse while under the influence of alcohol. Just like driving a car while drunk, riding a horse while drunk is sure to be dangerous too. Surely Colorado residents appreciate this strange odd law as much as the horses do.

Another weird law involving animals and drinking can be found in Alaska. Apparently, state legislation states that you’re not allowed to give beer to a moose. If you’re wondering, “who gave beer to a moose in the first place?”, you’re not alone. Another animal that’s not allowed booze under state regulations is fish — Ohio residents need to keep their alcohol to themselves.

Oklahoma residents don’t get to enjoy a cold one as often as the rest of the country does. This is because in Oklahoma, beer that is more than 4% alcohol has to be sold at room temperature. While some people may enjoy warm beer, this is peculiar, and probably annoying, law for those who enjoy prefer their beer cold.

If you visit Texas, you better be sure your butt is in a seat if you’re wanting to chug your beer. Under state legislation, people in Texas are only allowed to take three sips of beer at a time if they’re standing up. So sadly, there’s no standing on the bar to chug a beer for Texas residents.

And last, but not least, is a seemingly joy-killing law in Massachusetts. Under state rules, there is no happy hour in Massachusetts. So while many other states throughout the country enjoy this favorite drinking time, Massachusetts residents don’t have the pleasure of receiving discounted drinks.

Federal and state legislation is always changing. In fact, there are over 300 bills currently waiting to be reviewed by the Senate. So who knows, maybe we’ll see some new and improved, or more weird, liquor laws in the near future.