Understanding the Process of Passing California Legislature

california legislature

Passing a law anywhere in the world is a mystery to some people, but it’s much more straightforward than you may imagine. According to The Washington Post, more than 300 bills are waiting for the Senate to act on them. This article will focus on the California legislative process. Let’s learn more about passing laws in this state.

1. The Introduction of a Bill

The first part of introducing a new law is the idea that anyone can have, but they need to convince one or several members of the Legislature to pen it down. Afterward, this person will pass the idea to the Legislative Counsel’s Office, where they will officially write the bill. The bill is checked for propriety by the legislator. Finally, it will go to the Senate Desk if the author is a Senator or to the Assembly Desk if an assembly member drafted it.

2. The Policy Committee

When the bill reaches its corresponding desk, it goes to a policy committee, but there’s a 30-day waiting period before a legislator has to present the statement during a hearing. So, people who oppose the new law can call and find out what’s in it, where it is in the process, and what’s currently happening with it.

3. The Hearing

When the bill appears in the Daily File for four days, it will be heard by the committee during a hearing. The Daily File is the scheduled agenda for bills to be read, and anyone can access it. Unfortunately, the schedule might change, and bills can be taken off without notice.

4. The Fiscal Committee

If the bill incurs state costs, it has to be heard by the Senate or Assembly Appropriations Committee, and the finances are discussed.

5. The House of Origin

According to the California Legislature, the bills will go to the House of Origin and the Second House if they pass. During the third reading, the author calls for a vote and needs a majority. However, some bills need more than two-thirds of acceptance to pass.

6. The Final Steps

Finally, the bill goes onto the senate floor to be rechecked and amended if needed. The author has to see the adjustments and print them again. Afterward, the governor has 12 days to sign the bills, so there’s still time to stop them from passing. Ultimately, it will go to the Secretary of State to veto or approve.

Now that you know the process of the California legislature, you can understand how anyone can stop a law from continuing or helping it move forward. Passing laws is transparent, and in the United States, anyone can get involved. Are you looking to learn more about state laws, taxes, or legislative legal research? Contact Legislative Intent Services today!