The First 7 Days of Trump’s Presidency, Explained

federal statutes and regulationsIt is safe to say that within the past week, our nation’s government has gone through a lot of changes. The transitional period between presidents is always quite interesting, and new presidents usually come under fire to make multiple changes within their first 100 days.

President Trump has stayed true to multiple campaign claims and has undoubtedly done more in his first week of being the 45th President than many who have come before him in terms of executive orders. This is quite different because typically within the statutory history of the United States, a bill must be passed by both the House of Representatives and then the Senate. After this bill makes it through, the President has 10 days to sign or veto the enrolled bill.

However, the President has the Constitutional right to sign an executive order if he believes an issue is incredibly important. These orders carry the full force of the law, meaning they have the ability to change state rules along with standing federal statutes and regulations. Within the past week, there has been a wide array of legislative news concerning all of President Trump’s actions and orders, and here we explain them.

Affordable Care Act
On inauguration day, President Trump signed an executive order that seeks to limit the burdens of the ACA. The order says that any agency with authority given to them through Obamacare does not have to enforce regulations of the act that can possibly impose a financial burden on the state or an individual.

Immigration and border wall with Mexico
Two executive orders were signed to start the process of building a border wall with Mexico. While a lot of details are still up in the air about the wall, the order on immigration asks for law enforcement officials to crack down on any illegal immigrants knowingly in their community.

Keystone XL Pipeline
While the pipeline had been stopped during Obama’s administration, Trump started up the project again and signed contracts to utilize American-made material to build it.

Hiring freeze on federal workers
With exceptions to military and national security personnel, President Trump has banned the hiring of federal workers in order to fulfill his goal of making a smaller federal government. This is set to go into effect for the next 90 days.

With these new federal statutes and regulations in place, only time will tell how the rest 100 days of Trump’s presidency will fare out.