What He Can and Cannot Do: Debunking Presidental-Elect Trump’s Campaign Claims

federal regulationsThere is a presidential election every four years in the United States, and with every election comes a whole new set of promises from the presidential candidates. However, many of the promises they make do not comply with state statutes and federal regulations. With the election of president-elect Donald J. Trump, many Americans are wondering whether the promises he made on the campaign trail are feasible in terms of our Constitution. For more than one hundred years, state courts have looked to the evidence of legislative intent in construing state law, so here is everything you should know about Donald Trump’s claims.

Issue: building a wall at the Mexican border.
Donald Trump will not be able to build the now-infamous wall without Congressional support, and the majority of senators and representatives in Congress have already voiced that they are against this act. Even if this construction project were financially practical, which many analysts have said it’s not, the border wall doesn’t seem a likely prospect.

Issue: prevent Muslims from entering the United States without prior clearance.
The president is able to bar different classes of illegal aliens from entering the country if he determines that their entry would be detrimental to the nation. If Trump decides to do this and use his Constitutional powers against those of Congress, it would not be the first time. President Ronald Reagan cited this law back in 1981 to prevent Haitian immigrants from entering the country.

Issue: fine China with export tariffs.
One of the federal regulations that Congress has given the president is the ability to retaliate against foreign powers that engage in unfair trading practices.

Issue: use federal powers against those who have spoken out against him.
While Donald Trump has no legal statute that allows for the punishment of those who have criticized him, he may be able to direct the Department of Justice to investigate them over potential breaches of anti trust laws.

Issue: raise or lower taxes.
The president cannot lower or raise taxes on his own without previous approval from Congress. There are many federal statutes in place that explain how the president must spend the funds appropriated by Congress for specific, agreed-upon issues.

Federal regulations and state laws can be confusing and complex. If you have a question concerning state regulations or law research, do not hesitate to contact Legislative Intent Services today.